The updated version of the tenth generation E-class has been launched in India with prices starting at Rs 57.50 lakh. The sedan now comes with BS6-compliant engines and better features at an attractive price tag. The E-Class with BS6 ready engines are available in two variants – E 200 and E 220 d – and two trims: Exclusive and Expression. The diesel is a 2.0-litre engine that churns out 194PS and 400Nm of torque while the petrol E 200 features a 2.0-litre engine that produces 197PS and 320Nm of torque. Both these engines are mated to a 9G-Tronic transmission. New features include a widescreen 12.3-inch digital instrument cluster, a 13-speaker Burmester surround sound system, wireless charging for rear passengers, and a rear touchscreen media interface.
The latest iteration of the E-Class rivals the likes of entry-level variants of the BMW 5 Series and Audi A6.